"I was totally amazed!"
"I was totally amazed by the quality of the paintings and the long term results of this remarkable program. The family members were thrilled with this beautiful tribute to their loved one, our residents were proud of their work and enjoyed the attention. The program provides an opportunity to have our patient's stories told and lives celebrated. I highly recommend this program." RN, Director of Programming Dementia Services, LTC, S.C.
'Nothing has given my mother the joy that painting with your program has done. Thank you." Daughter, Florida

From Health Care Providers
"We were all amazed at the difference in our patient.
He was withdrawn and anti-social and after he
participated in your program began joining in the
activities and visiting with others. We love this
RN, Adult Day Center, Florida
"Art Without Boundaries has been a huge asset to our
facility. Family members come to me beaming with
pride when they see their loved ones' paintings and
the improvements they've seen. This is the most
positive response we've ever gotten from any
Administrator, ALF, Florida
"The husband of a former day care patient returned to
show us the framed painting his wife painted with Art
Without Boundaries. He told us this painting brought
the family comfort at her passing and continues to be
a source of joy and happiness to him."
Manager, Adult Day Center, FL
"I can't begin to tell you what your program has done
for our facility. Our residents, our staff, our family
members, all are still feeling the excitement from your
Administrator, Long Term Care, S.C.
"Visitors to our center are amazed at our paintings. I
have clients who come to our adult day center
because of your program."
Activity Director, S. FL
From Caregivers and Friends
"This Gala was a high point in my father's life. He was
thrilled to have his painting chosen and to be honored in
this way. Thank you for wonderful gift you've given my
family of seeing Dad excited about life again."
Daughter, Ohio
"To see the wonderful work all our people can do is just
wonderful. It is a beautiful gift to pass on to our children
and grandchildren. The paintings are the most valuable
thing we can give them. They are done with love, and
that is want we want our family to remember. The
wonderful, warm, loving husband, father, grandfather,
and friend they all love. Thank you for all your wonderful
work with all our people at the center. "
Wife, Adult Day Center, FL
"Thanks for all your help. Keep up what your doing, it's
working wonders. I think it's a shame when someone
comes down with a disability (whether it's mental or
physical), most of those they thought to be friends,
disappear. I have another friend whose mother was a
very active, vibrant individual (more astute and involved
than her daughter), all kinds of activities, committees,
senior groups, always getting little gifts for those more
senior then she was, my friend told me when it was
apparent she had Alzheimer's, not one person called
her. As I told her, it's ignorance, to the disease and I feel
it's fear, they realize it could be themselves one day.
Fortunately there are some who are true friends, and
offer whatever support they can."
Friend of patient, MD
Comments from our "artists:"
"This has been the best day ever." Paul
"You made me feel like a human again!" Delores
"Thank you! This really made my day." Ann
" I needed this. It made me feel good again." Gilbert
" I feel like I've accomplished something. I look forward to you coming." Ed
"I didn't know I was an artist! I guess you're never too old to learn something new." Mary
"This is great! This makes me feel special." Agnes
" When I came in today, I was angry and upset. You made me feel good about myself again." Carol
"This is a privilege to be asked to paint. It makes me feel good." Emily (age 91)
"My goodness! It's beautiful! It looks almost professional!" Pauline
"My husband is so unbelievably proud of his
paintings. I framed them and put them in the
bedroom and he looks at them all the time.
When anyone comes to the house they have to
come and see them. He never painted before.
They are so important to him and have helped
him so much. Thank you!"
Wife of Adult Day Center attendee
Sign our Guest Book!
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TM 2005 Art Without Boundaries™ and MnemeTherapy™ are both trademarks with all rights reserved. You may not copy or reproduce anything from this website without written permission from AWBF
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The Art Without Boundaries Association